Chris Mercier (1951), artist and printmaker lives and practises in Reading (UK). He runs the Printmaker art editioning studio. He has also collaborated with many artists in the role of master printer. He is a member of the OpenHand OpenStudio, Arjeea21 and the Printmakers Council.
He studied Fine Art at The University of Reading and fine art printmaking at the Royal College of Art, London.
Recent exhibitions
September - Dec 2020 -Colour - Royal Over-Seas League, London (Printmakers Council).
September 2019 - In Reading Gaol - Turbine House, Blakes Lock Reading.
June 2018 - Frankenstein, Espacio Gallery, London.
October 2017 Lilies for Oscar Wilde Reading Museum.
June 2017 – Lost and Found Espacio Gallery London
Sept 2016 – Reading & its Rivers RGspaces Turbine House Blakes Lock Reading.
March 2015 - Print as a Verb OHOS The Keep, Reading.
September 2014 – CMYK Printmakers Council, The Pie Factory Margate.
October 2013 – Multiplied 2013. LondonPrintStudio stand, London.
September 2013 – Unfold LondonPrint Studio (London Design Week).
June 2013 – In-Print-Out Print Triennale, Künstlerhaus, Vienna..
April 2013 – Casual Ties Portfolio Launch, TinType Gallery.
March 2013 – PhotoGraphics PMC, Great Western Studios, London.
March 2013 – RCA Secret, Battersea, London.
February 2013 – Hot off The Press 2013 Curwen Gallery, London.
October 2012 – Multiplied 2012 RCA Graduates, Christie's, London.
September 2012 – Works on Paper The Printmakers Council at R.K. Burt Gallery.
September 2012 – Reincarnation London Design Festival, London Print Studio.
June 2012 – RCA Degree Show Battersea London.
March 2012 – Lost for Words PMC – The Street Gallery UCLH Arts London.
Artist's Statement.
My recent work focuses on the frontier between analogue and digital technologies. An in-between place I describe as "a zone to be explored, where print as an artist's medium can falter or be reborn as it comes up against digital dispersion".
I would describe myself as a multidisciplinary artist with an interest in the nature of process. I think of myself as a maker of artifacts that unfold procedures and a maker of procedures that generate artifacts. I like to explore, observe and document the repertoires of objects and processes.